Month: August 2018

The Bear’s Lair: De-FAANGing the world

Last weekend, Ben Carson’s Department of Housing and Urban Development filed suit against Facebook, claiming that its methods of segregating consumers for advertisers constituted redlining, violating Civil Rights legislation. The battle between Big Data and civil rights has thus begun, rather earlier than had been expected. It is just one of the forces that will […]

The Bear’s Lair: The secular stagnation of Keynesian economics

Larry Summers recently reiterated his assertion that we are in an era of secular stagnation, suggesting in a new paper that low interest rates and an aging population may have caused this. However, the U.S. economy has recently shown substantial signs of growth, which appears sustainable. If President Trump can restrain his enthusiasm for low […]

The Bear’s Lair: China’s coming Austrian collapse

“The coming collapse of China” has been predicted many times. Indeed, an excellent book of that title was a best-seller back in 2001. Yet the fictitiousness of Chinese economic statistics remains, and the over-leverage in the economy worsens. Like several other successful non-market economies, China has successfully sought rents from other countries through flaws in […]

The Bear’s Lair: Take the half-loaf Brexit, then come back

Teresa May’s Chequers Brexit proposal is a pathetic thing, which will doubtless be made more pathetic by Brussels before next March. Yet the crucial factor is momentum. Once even a Chequers-Brexit has taken place, Britain will be separated from the European Union, the “Remainers” will no longer have an option to offer and Britain will […]